Intermediate Python – Part 2#

Thierry Géraud 2024


explicit_typing: bool = True  # do it, it saves lives!

Quick reminder#

Test: write a Python program that input a number of lines and stores the strings in an appropriate structure

such as:





what was the main point of this exercise?

we want an algorithm (so a … … . .) such as:

input n        # numbner of lines
for each line
   print a series of spaces ' '  (how many?)
   print a series of stars '*'   (how many?)
an output has been created

print is for debugging purpose; afterwards, we will store…


a way to print—or store?—is:

from sys import stdout  # explain...

sys.stdout.write(char)  # "std::cout <<" in C++
                        # "System.out.print" in Java

a skeleton of code for the exercise here...

from sys import stdout 

def pyramid_print(n):
    spc = 0    # first number of spaces, depending on 'n'
    lenx = 0   # first number of stars; first means on the 1st line 
    for i in range(0, n):  # for each line
        for j in range(0, spc):
            sys.stdout.write(' ')  # start with space(s)
        for j in range(0, lenx):
            sys.stdout.write('*')  # then write star(s)
        # changes for the next line:
        spc -= 0   
        lenx += 0  # to deal with the next iteration
    sys.stdout.flush()  # flush the *buffer* stdout

pyramid_print(3)  # just a test

replace zeros!

now we want something like:

from FIXME import FIXME

def pyramid_string_list(n: int) -> List[str]:
    out: List[str] = []

    # cut

    return out



spot the two major differences with the 1st version, and discuss them (pros/cons)

last we want the simplest code:

def pyramid_string(n: int) -> str:
    assert n > 0  # run-time test (dev mode); no error handling (release)
    s: str = ''

    # cut

    return s

and finally an actual program:

# cut
if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = int(input(''))


why is it a program, not just a script?

Another exercise (not mandatory, but highly recommanded if you feel not so self-confident with the 1st one): now the output is

* * *
*   *
* * *


* * * * *
*       *
*       *
*       *
* * * * *

and the input ‘n’ shall be odd

your feedback: are you OK with all the notions involved in this exercise?

a program = data types and algorithms (functions)



# a data type

@dataclass          # a useful "decorator" to know
class University:
    name: str = None
    location: str = None

# an algorithm, dedicated on objects being a University

def relocalize(u: University):
    if u.location == "Kremlin-Bicetre":
        u.location = "Grand Paris"

With object-orientation:

  • a program = a set of types (and their relationships)

  • a type = data + algorithms on these data



  • we want rooms and doors

    • thanks to the types Room and Door

    • note the use of the plural/singular -> explanation?

  • a room has a number (data)

  • a room can be equiped with a new door (algorithm)

in object-orientation, a class has attributes and methods:






an entity (*)



its state

methods (properties)


its behavior

the two following objects live independently:

d11 = Door(11)  # creates a new Door -> "constructs" a Door
d12 = Door(12)  # constructs another Door -> a new memory slot
d12.close()     # we want 'd12' to be closed

and they can be “part of” a “larger” object:

r1 = Room(number = 1)  # we have a new room
r1.doors.append(d11)   # a room have doors              # a room can be opened
# cut
for d in r1.doors:
    print(d.number)    # we can print this room door numbers


all these objects, some of them interacting with each other, make a program run / evolve

Excerpt from the previous slide:

# we have a new room
# a room have doors
# a room can be opened
   # we can print a room door number


what does that mean? what is the translation into Python?

they can be "part of" a "larger" object

is this programming?


Hint: if it is programming, then programming is … .



“a room have doors” means:

  • any room have doors

  • every rooms have doors

  • the class ‘Room’ has an attribute ‘doors’


“a room can be opened” means:

  • any/every room/s can be opened

  • the class ‘Room’ has a method ‘open’ (action vs reading data)


# cut

we access some data of the room ‘r1’ and of the door ‘d’


  • we call an algorithm (piece of code / subroutine) on the room ‘r1’

  • we say that ‘r1’ is the target of this call / target = subject = recipient

  • it reads: “r1, do open” -> execute this action (data can be modified) / this is an explicit message (we do not know the internals) / a program is doing things

# cut

so we have

  • ‘doors’ being a (public) attribute of the class ‘Room’

  • ‘number’ being a (public) attribute of the class ‘Door’

  • “(public)” means that we can directly access to data -> not a good idea, see later…


  • ‘open’ is a (public) method of the class ‘Room’ = we can open a room

  • we express that objects can do things / we can do things on objects

    • “object, do that” => my program evolves — things are done

    • ‘’ = “r1, do open” => we give/write instructions


a program is a set of instructions, but their are not linear, just like for a script


  • the accessibility is public

    • meaning we can use it: access some data (attribute) / run an algorithm (method)

    • in the cas of methods, without knowing some internal details

      • that can be a very desirable property

    • note that accessing to raw data (attribute) and modify them can be risky

      • control what is done with data would be better…

What is Object-Orientation (OO)?#


object-orientation features:

  • objects / sometimes with classes

  • data abstraction / encapsulation

  • inclusion polymorphim / inheritance

  • dynamic dispatch / message passing

  • open recursion

an object-oriented program looks like:

(does that look like a script?)

Exercise: read the following class

class Door:
    """a very simple Door class"""

    def __init__(self, number: int, opened: bool = True):
        self.number = number
        self.opened = opened

    def open(self):
        self.opened = True


and this sample use:

dd = [Door(i) for i in range(10)]  # list comprehension
for d in dd:

Live step-by-step explanations:


now we want to log when a door is opened so we write:

class Door:

    # cut

    def open(self):
        self.opened = True
        print(self, "is opened")

    def __str__(self):
        return "door " + str(self.number)




  1. with object-orientation:

    • a program = a set of types (and their relationships)

    • a type = data + algorithms on these data

  2. in object-orientation, a class has attributes and methods:






an entity



its state

methods (properties)


its behavior

Encapsulation in OO is: grouping attributes and methods


(we will see that it is also related with information hidding…)

Live exercice:

  • let us define (right now) all together what can be a room

  • so write a ‘Room’ class

Class hierarchies / Inheritance / inclusion polymorphism#


this section is just about types are “organized” and about typing a set of types

dogs and cats are animals

  • Animal is a superset of Dog – we say that Animal is a superclass of Dog

  • Cat is a subset of Animal – we say that Cat is a subclass of Animal


(live drawing…)


the “is-a” relationship is called generalization

  • Animal generalizes the notions of Cat’s and Dog’s

every animals can make sounds, so we define a method for that:

class Animal:
    def make_sound(self):
        pass   # meaning: do nothing

‘self’ (1st argument) designates the animal (object) that ‘make_sound’

to call of this method:

a.make_sound()  # here 'self' is 'a' / actually not passed as an argument

‘a’ is not an argument in this method call; it is the target


so in:

class Animal:
    def make_sound(self):
        pass   # meaning: do nothing

‘self’ designates the target

class Dog(Animal):          # maps: a dog is an animal
    def make_sound(self):   # the method implementation for dogs

class Cat(Animal):          # maps: a cat is an animal
    def make_sound(self):   # the method implementation for cats

a = [Dog(), Cat()]  # a list of animals (dogs and cats are animals)
for e in a:
    e.make_sound()  # gives: bark meow


we have several implementations for ‘make_sound’ in different classes

when calling ‘make_sound’, a particular implementation is selected and run


‘a[0]’ is a dog (*) so the method ‘make_sound’ of ‘Dog’ is called ‘a[1]’ is a cat so the method ‘make_sound’ of ‘Cat’ is called

$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$ (*) meaning, an instance of the class Dog / an object with type Dog


aa: Animal = a[0]   # first element of our list of animals
print(id(aa) == id(a[0]))  # gives: True

we have:

  • ‘aa’ designates ‘a[0]’

    • it is a reference, not a copy

    • just like in

    a: int = 1  # we expect an integer, and we get 1; correct
    b = a  # 'b' is a reference to 'a'
  • ‘a[0]’ is a ‘Dog’

  • ‘aa’ is a variable of type ‘Animal’

  • this initialization is: we expect an animal, and we get a dog

  • so this is correct

aa.make_sound()     # a method is called on this object

we have:

  • ‘aa’ is a variable of type ‘Animal’

  • we call the ‘make_sound’ method on this (instance of) ‘Animal’

  • yet we know that the exact type of ‘aa’ is actually ‘Dog’

  • the implementation of ‘make_sound’ that is called is the one of ‘Dog’


static type: the one of the variable dynamic type: the one of the object

when calling a method, the selected implementation is the one defined in the class of the target object…

…even though a superclass

now we want both attributes and methods:

  • we keep the ‘make_sound’ method

  • an attribute can be the animal name

  • every data shall be initialized (good practice)

    • a special method is defined to construct objects

    • the constructor is named __init__

class Animal:
    def make_sound(self):
        pass  # meaning: do nothing

class Dog(Animal):  # a dog is an animal

    def __init__(self, name: str = ""):  # a constructor (special method) = name                 # (declares and) initializes an attribute

    def make_sound(self):   # a method
        print(, "bark")  # access to the attribute 'name'

    def test(self):
        self.make_sound()  # just to illustrate "open recursion"

sample use:

d1 = Dog("Buddy")
d2 = Dog("Fluffy")

d1.make_sound()  # 'self' is 'd1' in this call

print( ==  # gives: False


each object has its own attribute

we do likewise for Cat


we then have:

  • make_sound for all animals

  • a name for every dogs, and a name for every cats

    • that is redundant code (which is bad)


why not having a name for name for every animals

  • so for dogs, cats, and upcoming new animal classes

let’s equip the Animal class:

class Animal:

    def __init__(self, name: str = ""):  # constructor = name                 # attribute

    def make_sound(self) -> None:        # polymorphic method

    def run(self) -> None:     # new method, available for all animals
        print("now running")

so we can now write:

d = Dog()
print(  # a dog has a name        # a dog can run

we say that ‘name’ and ‘run’ are inherited (from the super class Animal)

class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name: str = ""):  = name             # attribute for each Animal
    # cut

class Dog(Animal):  # a dog is an animal

    def __init__(self, name: str = "", n_bones: int = 0):
        super().__init__(name)       # calls the Animal constructor
        self.n_bones: int = n_bones  # Dog has an extra attribute

    def make_sound(self) -> None:    # the method implementation for dogs
        print(self, "bark")

Dog has two attributes:

  • ‘name’, inherited from the class Animal

  • ‘n_bones’, declared in the class Dog

class Animal:
    # cut
    def run(self) -> None:
        print("now running")

class Dog(Animal):  # a dog is an animal

    def __init__(self, name: str = "", n_bones: int = 0):
        super().__init__(name)       # calls the Animal constructor
        self.n_bones: int = n_bones  # Dog has an extra attribute

    def make_sound(self) -> None:    # the method implementation for dogs
        print(self, "bark")

Dog has two methods:

  • ‘run’, inherited from the class Animal

  • ‘make_sound’, defined in the class Dog

plus its constructor

there is a difference between

  • a “regular” attribute:

    • one per object

    • ‘’ and ‘’ are two distinct data

  • a class attribute (or class variable)

    • one for the class

    • shared by all objects

class Animal:
    numbers: int = 0             # class attribute/variable
    def __init__(self, name: str = ""): = name         # object attribute
        Animal.numbers += 1
    # cut


sample use:

d = [Dog(), Dog(), Cat()]
print(Animal.numbers)   # gives: 3