Intermediate Python – Part 1#

Thierry Géraud 2024



print("Hello world!")

Test: write a Python program that input a number of lines and stores the strings in an appropriate structure

such as:




email me your solution at with the tag [INTPY] in the subject

Let’s start with a few questions…#

What language(s) do you know?


your answers : C/C++, ruby, javascript, HTML, brainfuck, ... but not "english, or french..."

  1. What is Python?

  2. How do you use it?

  3. What for?

  4. Describe Python…


We will come back to this in a few minutes…

$e^{i\pi} = 1$   gives:   $e^{i\pi} = 1$


What have we here?


answer: a description language (LaTeX)... not a programming language

% for i in ls -d *; echo $i


What is it? Is it programming?


- a loop in shell (zsh); that is an instruction; we are scripting
- we do not have a program at the end, so no

What is a programming language?




Courses / lectures + sessions of practical work

Your 1st project: display a map described by a file

Characterization of Python#

Python is:

  • free and open-source software

  • portable

  • a programming language which is

    • high-level

    • general-purpose

    • multi-paradigm

  • easy to learn, easy to code, easy to read → accessible

  • equipped with a large standard library, plus a vast range of libraries.

history of programming languages →

Fetch “ → Python”

High-level language#


compare with some assembler code:

   mov eax, 1         
   xor ebx, ebx      
   xor edx, edx      
   add eax, ebx ; eax += ebx
   mov ebx, edx
   mov edx, eax
loop L1

General-purpose language#


  • broadly applicable across application domains

    • e.g., bank, medicine, science

  • lacking specialized features for a particular domain

    • a counterexample: solve some constraint-based problems (use Prolog instead)

    • note that libraries (except the standard one(s)) are not part of the language

    • a related key idea: a language now comes with an environment, and a community

A multi-paradigm language#


Python is:

  • imperative

  • procedural

  • structured

  • object-oriented

  • somehow a bit

    • functional

    • generic


a = 0
a += 1

a series of instructions that change the state of the running program



def fact(n):
    return 1 if (n == 0 or n == 1) else n * fact(n - 1)
    # an example of "literate programming" here

a procedure is great to factor code, to be called many times


  • with control structures (e.g., for, if)

  • with blocks – thanks to indentation

for i in range(len(lst)):
    if i % 2 == 0:
        print(lst[i], end = '\n')
        i = i - 1
    elif i == 7:
  • subroutines

print(lst)  # this is a procedure call

subroutines are procedures (functions) and methods

compare with basic code:

05 HOME : TEXT : REM Fibonacci numbers 
10 LET MAX = 5000
20 LET X = 1 : LET Y = 1
30 IF (X > MAX) GOTO 100
50 X = X + Y
60 IF (Y > MAX) GOTO 100
80 Y = X + Y
90 GOTO 30
100 END



for subroutines


class Door:
    def __init__(self, number, status='closed'):
        self.__number = number
        self.status = status
    def open(self):   # this is a method
        self.status = 'opened'
    # cut

d = Door(42)              # this is a method call

in this code snippet, ‘d’ is a Door

A bit functional#

l = list(range(0, 4))
l2 = list(filter(lambda x: x > 2, l))

we have the function: x $\mapsto$ x > 2 (this is not a procedure)


A bit generic#

T = TypeVar('T')
def first(seq: Sequence[T]) -> T:
    return seq[0]

returns the first element

About types / typing#

Object = instance of a type / result of the instanciation of a type

Type = description of all the objects with this type


d0 = Door(0)
dd = [Door(i) for i in range(10)]
  • here d0 and dd[i] are doors / are of type Door

  • they are independant, yet they behave the same way

A simple test than you shall pass#




d = (0, 1, 2)
d = [0, 1, 2]
d = {0, 1, 2}
d = {'pi': 3.14, 'e': 2.72}

what are the output? why?

Python has some built-in types:

  • Numeric data types: int, float, complex

  • String data types: str

  • Sequence types: list, tuple, range

  • Binary types: bytes, bytearray, memoryview

  • Mapping data type: dict

  • Boolean type: bool

  • Set data types: set, frozenset


multiple-item data types are called collections or containers

Comment the difference(s):

T = TypeVar('T')
def first(seq: Sequence[T]) -> T:
    return seq[0]
# versus
def first(seq):
    return seq[0]

def sqr(x: int) -> int:
    return x * x
def sqr(x):
    return x * x

b: int = 2
b = 2

b: str = 2

def doit(i: int):
    print('int', i)

def doit(s: str):
    print(type(s), s)


What happens? Why?

use a linter!

and a type checker:

  • Mypy (by Dropbox), Pytype (by Google), Pyright (by Microsoft)

  • Pyre/Pysa (at Facebook and Instagram)


Variables, values, and types#


a = 1                 # implicit type for 'a' -- typed by the compiler
b: int = 2            # explicit type for 'b'
b = "a string"        # do compile; 'b' is now a string


var b : integer = 2;  // types have to be explicit

modern C++:

auto a = 1;           // implicit type
int b = 2;            // explicit type
auto b = "a string";  // do not compile: 'b' is already defined!


a = 1
ida = id(a)
a = 2
print(id(a) == ida)  # gives: False


we cannot change the value of the integer whose identity is ‘ida’

$\leadsto~$ integers are immutable in Python


a = 1
ida = id(a)
b = a  # 'b' is actually a reference to 'a'; we can say that 'b' is 'a'
print(id(b) == ida)  # gives: True

b = 2  # now 'b' designates a new integer
print(id(b) == ida)  # gives: False

print(a)  # gives 1


  • single-item data types (integers, floats, complex numbers, Booleans) are immutable

  • strings and tuples are immutable


  • lists, sets, and dictionaries are mutable


def foo(b):
    print(id(b), b)

def bar(c):
    print(id(c), c)
    c = 2
    print(id(c), c)
a = 0 
print(id(a), a)
print(id(a), a)

What is printed? Explain. What the rationale behind it?


l = [1, 'a string']
idl = id(l)
print(id(l) == idl)  # gives: True, lists are mutable

print(l)  # gives: [1, 'a string', <__main__.Door object at 0x7f568add0790>]

for e in l:
    print(e)  # gives: ???


  • why the behavior hopefully differs from the previous example

  • the output of print(l)

  • the output of the for loop, and how we can make it possible?

class Door:
    def set_number(self, number):
        self.__number = number
    # cut


# cont'd
print(id(l), id(l[2]), l[2])
for e in l:
    if isinstance(e, Door):  # same as: if type(e) == Door:
print(id(l), id(l[2]), l[2])

what is the output? what have we done here?

Structured programming and blocks#



def doit(lst):
    for i in range(len(lst)):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            print(lst[i], end = '\n')
            i = i - 1
        elif i == 7:

blocks start with ‘:’ and rely on indentation

Equivalent code in C++:

void doit(std::list<int>& lst)
    for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); ++i)
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            std::cout << lst[i] << '\n'; // do not compile!  Why?
            i = i - 1;
        else if (i == 7) {
            break; }  // the two braces are useless here

blocks are delimited by ‘{’ and ‘}’, and indentation does not matter

an instruction (not a block of instructions) ends with ‘;’

in Python indentation matters

i = 1 
 i = 0  # gives: IndentationError: unexpected indent


and it is the key to see blocks

i = 0
while i < 5:
    i += 1


i = 0
while i < 5:
i += 1

compare with COBOL (1959):

column 7 is for an indicator:

  • ‘*’ means that it is a comment

  • ‘-’ means that it is the continuation of the previous line

  • ‘/’ means that, when printing your code listing, it would page break

  • ‘D’ means that the line would only compile when in debugging mode

compare with FORTRAN 66:

      program circle
      real r, area
c This program reads a real number r and prints
c the area of a circle with radius r.
      write (*,*) 'Give radius r:'
      read  (*,*) r
      area = 3.14159*r*r
      write (*,*) 'Area = ', area



a = 1  # new object => memory allocation
b = a  # no new object
b = 2  # b is a new object => memory allocation
       # no need for explicit memory deallocation



d = Door(1)       # new object
print(d.status)          # method call
                  # no need for memory deallocation

Python relies on a garbage collector to free memory


Read about

  • heap and stack

  • reference counting

  • the mark and sweep algorithm

The programmer can not care about memory; yet he/she shall know:

del my_large_container

Python as an object-oriented language#

A particular way of thinking:

a program = data types and algorithms (functions)


example in C:

struct rectangle {                   // a data type
    float width, height;

void scale(rectangle* r, float s) {  // an algorithm
    assert(r != NULL and s > 0);
    r->width *= s;
    r->height *= s;


dta = [("EPITA", "Kremlin-Bicetre"), ("Sorbonne University", "Paris 5")]

print("name=", dta[0][0], "where=", dta[0][1])


class University:                # what have we here?
    name: str = None
    location: str = None

dta = [University("EPITA", "Kremlin-Bicetre"),
       University("Sorbonne University", "Paris 5")]
print(f"name = {dta[0].name} where = {dta[0].location}")

print(dta[0])  # works directly!

from dataclasses import dataclass

class University:                # a data type
    name: str = None             # grouping two strings
    location: str = None 

meaning that a university is composed of two data: name and location, both being strings


u1 = University("EPITA", "Kremlin-Bicetre")   # a particular university, u1

print(  # gives: EPITA -> so *explicitly* print its name

print("Paris" in u1.location)   # more readable than 'u1[1]'

we have defined a type:

  • to be able to have objects with that particular type

    • a “University” is far more precise than “just two strings”

  • to store data and explictly access to one piece of data

    • “.location” is way more explicit than “[1]”


that is what you have in all python libraries: types

  • they are the keystones of these libraries

  • the librairies also provide algorithms

    • doing stuff / transforming data is the key features of these libraries

# a data type

class University:
    name: str = None
    location: str = None

# an algorithm, dedicated on objects being a University

def relocalize(u: University):
    if u.location == "Kremlin-Bicetre":
        u.location = "Grand Paris"

sample use:

dta = [University("EPITA", "Kremlin-Bicetre"),
       University("Sorbonne University", "Paris 5")]
# 'dta' is a list of two universities

for u in dta:
# we have relocalized all universities in 'dta'


# a data type
class University:
    name: str = None
    location: str = None

we say that: we have define a class (a type) with two attributes (named ‘name’ and ‘location’)


in this example, its is a particular class that has only data; it is “just a data type”

in this example, algorithms are defined on the side (usually nearby)

  • this is the case of ‘relocalize’

  • algorithms are not within the type


this example corresponds to:

a program = data types and algorithms (functions)

Another way to describe programs:

  • a program = a set of types and their relationships

    • so having a a type is having both data and algorithms

    • and the next level will be to think about their relationships…


this is the object-oriented way, and Python is an OO language


we are moving from scripting (toy use of Python) to programming (industrial use of Python)…


a type = data + algorithms on these data


in object-orientation, a class has attributes and methods:






an entity (*)



its state

methods (properties)


its behavior

(*) a thing that has its own identity and whose identity conforms to what it is / to its type

end of course #1